Marielle Graff



Tel: +33 (0)2 23 23 00 47

Marielle GRAFF is a jurist at Plasseraud IP Internet & Data. She is mainly involved in the fields of digital and Internet laws. In this regard, Marielle is committed to supporting in the compliance of the digital and innovative projects, both in contractual matters and in the field of compliance with regulations related to personal data. Furthermore, Marielle is also skilled with handling all issues related to digital law, the protection of  immaterial assets, as well as the protection and defense rights on the Internet. She worked as an IP/IT lawyer for one of the world's leading public transport companies for six years. Marielle joigned Plasseraud IP in 2022. 


Teilen auf:

Digital contract law
GDPR compliance 
Data exploitation 
IP/IT issues 
Domain names


Master 2 in Internet and information systems law (University of Strasbourg)


Englisch, Französisch