Gilles Ringeisen

Gilles Ringeisen

Partner at Plasseraud IP Avocats


UPC Representative 


Tel: +33 (0)1 40 16 70 00


Gilles refined his skills by closely cooperating, for several years, with a specialized law firm, for the follow-up of litigation cases of Plasseraud IP (trademarks, designs and models, copyrights). Gilles then logically became a lawyer. He is registered with the Paris Bar. He remains on the list of persons qualified in the field of Industrial Property held by the INPI (defined by Article L.421-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property), and also retains its title of European Council in Trademarks and Designs and Community Models (from the OHIM). Gilles Ringeisen is a member of the APRAM (Association of Trademark and Model Law Practitioners).

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Practice areas

Intellectual Property (copyrights, trademarks, designs)

New technologies



Maîtrise de droit des affaires et Certificat de droit fiscal, Université Robert Schumann, Strasbourg
DESS “Accords et Propriété Industrielle”, Université Robert Schumann, Strasbourg, rattaché au Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI)


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Le Point - Classement des meilleurs cabinets d'avocats - 2023/2024

WIPR Leader 2023/2024