1. Presentation


The website www.plass.com (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Website’) provides information about Plasseraud IP. It is the property of Plasseraud IP, Société Civile [professional partnership]  registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 78440424600041 with a registered share capital of 779 305 euros, whose registered office is located at 104 rue de Richelieu, 75002 Paris, France, whose telephone number is and whose contact email address is: info@plass.com (hereinafter the "Publisher").

Publishing Director:

The Publisher of this Website is Mrs Guylène KIESEL LE COSQUER in her capacity as Managing Partner of Plasseraud IP.

Hosting Provider:

Online SAS
BP 438 - 75366 Paris CEDEX 08
RCS Paris B 433 115 904.

2. Applicable professional rules:

The profession of Industrial Property Attorney is regulated by the Code of Conduct of Industrial Property Attorneys, which can be viewed here:

3. Intellectual property and information contained on the Website:

All the content on this Website (its general structure, as well as the software, texts, animated or still images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics and any other element which makes up the Website) is the exclusive property of Plasseraud IP. All rights of use are reserved. Any total or partial representation of this Website by any means whatsoever, without the express authorisation of Plasseraud IP, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Plasseraud IP may provide links to other websites. These websites are independent of Plasseraud IP's Website and Plasseraud IP does not publish or control the sources or the content of these websites or their links to other websites. Providing links to these websites does not in any way constitute Plasseraud IP’s approval, validation or endorsement of the content of these websites, nor does it mean that Plasseraud IP is associated with the owners and/or authors, designers, moderators, administrators or hosting providers of these websites.

If visitors to the Website find any omissions, errors, inactive links, or corrections that need to be made, they are kindly requested to inform us by sending an email at communication@plass.com.

Visitors to this Website may not set up deep links to this Website without Plasseraud IP's prior express authorisation. Any request for such links should be sent to the Publishing Director of the Website at the following address communication@plass.com.

Plasseraud IP makes every effort to provide visitors with available and verified information and/or tools, but shall not be held liable for any errors, lack of availability of information, viruses on the Website and/or any damage whatsoever caused by visitors connecting to this Website, which they do under their sole liability.

4. Credits

Design/Creation: Agency Sharing Up to You
Integration/Development: partITech
Content: Plasseraud IP
Photos credits: Shutterstock, iStock, Sophie Gassmann

5. Personal data management

In the context of its business activities, Plasseraud IP undertakes to pay the utmost attention to the security and confidentiality of the data in its possession and to protect the personal data of its clients and data subjects with whom it comes into contact, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, in particular the Loi Informatique et Libertés [French data protection act] No 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 and Regulation No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council dated 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

  1. Identity of the data controller:

In its capacity as Publisher, Plasseraud IP is the controller of the personal data collected on this Website.

  1. Type of data collected: 

Plasseraud IP ensures that it only collects data that is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

This data is processed at Plasseraud IP's registered office in Paris.

  1. Purposes of the data processing:

The data processing carried out by Plasseraud IP is for specific, explicit, legitimate and transparent purposes:

- assistance in protecting and working clients' industrial property rights;

- sending out newsletters written by Plasseraud IP and invitations to events organised by Plasseraud IP;

- managing job applications and requests for information.

  1. Recipients of the data collected:

This data will be sent to the authorised persons in those departments in Plasseraud IP concerned by the requests from the Website visitors.

This data may also be sent to industrial property offices so that clients' industrial property rights can be recognised.

  1. Retention period of the collected data:

Plasseraud IP only keeps the personal data collected for the length of time needed to complete the operations for which they were collected.

The retention period of certain data may also be dictated by legal obligations.

  1. Security of the data collected:

Plasseraud IP guarantees the confidentiality, integrity and security of the data entrusted to it by implementing appropriate organisational and technical measures, as well as enhanced IT protection procedures.

  1. Exercising the rights of data subjects:

With regard to your personal data, you have the right to access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and data portability, and the right to decide what shall happen to your data after your death. To exercise any of these rights, you should contact the Data Protection Officer by e-mail at the following address dpo@plass.com or by post at the following address: For the attention of the DPO, Plasseraud IP, 66 rue de la Chaussée d'Antin - 75 440 Paris Cedex 09. Please include a copy of a signed proof of identity document.

The data subject may also file a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés [French data protection authority], whose registered office is located at 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. Telephone: 01 53 73 22 22.

It is also possible to file a complaint online at the following address: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes.

6. Cookies policy:

When you visit the Website, our system and the system of some of our service providers use cookies to identify visitors' preferences.

A cookie is a small file which does not identify the visitor but records the browsing activity for a given computer or device.

To learn more about cookies and their impact on you and your browsing experience, please visit the CNIL website https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser.


- Types of cookies:

Plasseraud IP uses the following types of cookies to analyse the visits and usage of its Website, as well as to identify clients when they log into their online account:

  1. Session cookies: these are cookies that collect anonymous data and ensure that the Website is loaded correctly when you access it through your browser. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser.
  2. Authentication cookies: for those Plasseraud IP clients who have an online account, these cookies are essential to identify themselves and access their account via the websites https://plasseraud.iprcontrol.fr and https://online.plass.com. They expire when clients leave the browsing session.

The use of session and authentication cookies is exempt from the visitor's consent since they are essential for providing a service expressly requested by the visitor.

  1. Analytical or performance cookies: These are third-party cookies created by Google Analytics. They collect statistical information about your visit to the website and enable us to track how our website is used and performs as well as improve the way it works.

If you refuse these third-party cookies, it has no impact on your browsing experience on our website. However, refusing them will not result in ending advertising on our website or on the Internet. The only effect will be to display advertising content that take no account of your interests or preferences.

Analytical third-party cookies: These are third-party cookies, which are not generated by this website, but originate from external partner websites, and which collect statistical information about traffic to the website.

The use of this type of third-party advertising cookies requires obtaining prior consent. An information banner informs you that cookies are used when you open the home page of our website.

This website includes this type of ‘third party’ cookies, which use is governed by third party companies. Such cookies are mainly generated by advertising agencies; therefore, we cannot provide an exhaustive list (e.g.: Google Analytics).

-Storage period for cookies which require your consent:

Plasseraud IP's cookie retention period complies with the requirements set by the CNIL, which considers that this type of cookies can be stored for 13 months after obtaining your consent.

Authentication cookies are deleted when clients end the browsing session.

Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser.

-Disabling cookies:

Below, you will find the link, by browser, which explains how to configure the use of cookies:

- Microsoft Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies;

- Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/desactiver-cookies-tiers;

- Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?co=GENIE.Platform=Desktop&hl=en;

- Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac.