Julien Blanchard

Partner at Plasseraud IP Avocats




Tel: +33 (0)1 40 16 70 00


Julien Blanchard is a partner at Plasseraud IP Avocats specialising in intellectual property law. With almost 30 years' experience in intellectual property advice and litigation, he has acquired recognised international expertise in all areas of trade mark, design and copyright law, notably with clients in the fashion and luxury goods, perfume, cosmetics and design sectors. He also advises major banking, insurance and retail groups. Julien has also developed a renowned practice in unfair competition and parasitism law. For many years he taught intellectual property law at the University of Paris-Dauphine and is now a lecturer in the Intellectual Property Master's programme at the University of Lyon 2. He publishes an annual column on infringement seizures in the journal Communication Commerce Electronique. Admitted to the Paris Bar in 1998, he began his career with a law firm, becoming a partner 5 years later before founding Candé-Blanchard-Ducamp in 2013. He is currently a member of APRAM (association des praticiens du droit des marques et des modèles), AAPI (Association des Avocats en Propriété Intellectuelle) and INTA (Institut national de la propriété intellectuelle). Candé-Blanchard-Ducamp and Plasseraud IP avocats joined forces in 2025 to launch Plasseraud IP Avocats.


Intellectual Property
Unfair Competition and Parasitism
Litigation before French civil, criminal, commercial, and arbitration courts, as well as European Union courts
Negotiation, contracts, strategy, and advice in the field of IP
Image Rights and Advertising Law
Anti-Counterfeiting Fight


Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne - Maitrise droit des affaires

DEA droit international (droit anglo américain des affaires)



フランス語, 英語