Froberger Matthieu

Matthieu Froberger

French Patent Attorney

European Patent Attorney

UPC Representative


Tel: +33 (0)5 34 42 48 00

Matthieu Froberger is a French & European Patent Attorney. He practices computer-implemented invention (CII) in different fields, aeronautics (avionics), automotive industry, telecommunication networks, renewable energies and sensors control. Matthieu specifically works in electric motor control and network infrastructure for Schneider Electric. For the automative industry, he deals with engine control using sensors, and computer vision based on LiDAR, radar and camera, using the information provided by these sensors to monitor the environment of the ego vehicle. Matthieu is also working on telecommunications protocols for Schneider electric, the Japanese world leader in the production and sale of electrical and electronic equipment and number 1 in 4G and 5G performance (in 2022). He is familiar with secure database conversions of critical data, i.e. automatically converting a critical database from format 1 to format 2 using certified computer routines. Previously, Matthieu worked for 3 years at Thales AVS, where he was in charge of software development for avionics solutions on R&T projects mainly developing a certified software function (DAL C software), and working on an In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) system (DAL E system).

Matthieu joined Plasseraud IP in 2018. 


Computer science 


DUT GEII: Génie électrique et informatique industrielle (Université de Créteil - UPEC)

ESIEE Paris: Systèmes Embarqués, Transport et Objets Intelligents

Master Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (University of Porto)

フランス語, 英語