

An innovative client awarded again

Another great accomplishment for our client CST (Crime Science Technology), and not least. As part of the M2i event dedicated to innovative and intelligent materials, CST won an award at the Disrupt Challenge for its latest innovation, Optical Variable Material, which could be the future with regard to security of banknotes and identity documents.

We are proud to be their IP partner form the outset, helping in the structuring of their industrial property and contractual relations with partners. CST is a model of innovation that from the very beginning has been able to capitalize and invest on patents at the heart of its development model.

Founding President Cosimo Prete states:
"As disruptive as an innovation may be, it can only be fully exploited on a technical and commercial level if it is combined with a strong intellectual property strategy, so Cabinet Plasseraud's teams have been actively involved in the rise of our OVM technology before a jury of excellence "

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