
Plasseraud IP recognized in the JUVE Patent France ranking
Plasseraud IP is ranked among the best firms in patent filing in the first French edition of the JUVE patent ranking, with Cyra Nargolwalla being recognized individually as one of the best experts in the field. Congratulations!
The JUVE Patent Guide is one of the European reference publications in the field of Patents, being highly regarded thanks to its rigorous and scientific methods in research and market analysis.
Focusing solely on Germany and Austria until now, JUVE's editorial teams researched the French and English markets for the first time in 2020, listing the best patent firms and professionals after a thorough investigation based on qualitative surveys, but also on hard data. This scientific and analytical methodology gives the JUVE ranking great recognition among Intellectual Property professionals.
We are proud to announce that our group stands out in the JUVE France ranking on two levels:
- Plasseraud IP is ranked among the best firms in "Patent Filing" with a special mention for its partners Cyra Nargolwalla in the fields of Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology, and Albert Hassine in Digital Communication and Computer Technology,
- Cyra Nargolwalla is individually distinguished among the best "Patent attorneys with a technical specialty".
We would like to thank our customers for their trust and recognition!
Find out more about the JUVE France ranking