
Plasseraud IP takes part in the 5th Sustainable Leather Forum
Plasseraud IP will be taking part in the fifth Sustainable Leather Forum, a must-attend event that brings together professionals from the leather, fashion, luxury and design industries, on Monday September 11 at the Palais Brongniart in Paris.
Our experts Nadine Rocaboy, Nathalie Pacaud, Christophe Jolly, Charlotte Montaud and Nathalie Wajs Partners, and Pauline Jeanroy, Head of the Appellations & Origins practice, will be delighted to welcome you to our booth and answer your questions on strategy in the fields of intellectual property, ecodesign, innovation and creation in the context of climate change.
Organized by the Conseil National du Cuir, this international symposium aims to discuss the major challenges facing the leather industry and its positioning in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility.
On the agenda:
- The role of standards in the leather industry
- New approaches in agriculture and breeding and their impact on raw materials
- CSR, a real cog in the wheel in the leather goods sector
- The Personal Protective Equipment industry, pioneers of CSR
- Circular fashion: maintenance and repair favored
This fifth edition, organized in the form of round tables and keynotes, will focus on topics linked to the development of a creative, innovative and increasingly sustainable industrial sector. A day of reflection that will also be punctuated by numerous speeches from industry experts and public and political figures.
Moreover, for several months now, Plasseraud IP has been developing an ecodesign expertise to support our clients in enhancing the value of their CSR investment: register, come and meet us!
To register and learn more: Sustainable Leather Forum 2023