Charlotte Montaud is a Partner and Head of Contracts & Valuation at Plasseraud IP. She is a French and European Trademark and Design Attorney. As an expert in contract engineering, Charlotte advises SMEs, start-ups, large groups and research institutions in negotiating, drafting and auditing of their agreements relating to R&D and the valorization of their intellectual property assets, and assists them in pre-litigation, litigation follow-up and dispute settlement. She is involved in all types of contracts relating to intellectual property, such as collaboration or consortium agreements, licensing agreements, technology transfer agreements, assignment agreements, co-ownership settlements, confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, MOUs, as well as the drafting of intellectual property clauses to be included in shareholders' agreements or employment contracts, etc. Charlotte started her career as a lawyer in patent litigation and has more than 15 years of experience in intellectual property. She is President of the Contracts subcommittee of the CNCPI, has just been elected member of the Board of Directors of LES France and is a former member of the Steering Committee of the GRAPI. She contributes to many publications, conferences and trainings about contract engineering in France and abroad. Charlotte joined Plasseraud IP in 2018.

Charlotte Montaud
Head of Plasseraud IP Contracts & Valuation
French Trademark and Design Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Tel: +33 (0)4 37 91 62 70
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