
UPC: external users invited to practice the CMS Sunrise functionalities starting from 13 February 2023
A practice session will be held by the Unified Patent Court from 13 to 24 February 2023 for external users to experiment the Case Management System (CMS) sunrise functionalities. As of 1 March 2023, start of the Sunrise period, the CMS will allow users to file an opt-out for European patents.
This try-out window will be conducted in the CMS test environment, which is a copy of the CMS production environment that will be launched when the Sunrise period starts. As of 13 February, users will be able to access the test environment following this link:
IT support will be provided by the IT UPC team, users will be able to send their requests and questions using the contact form available on the UPC website:
“The aim of the CMS practice period is to ensure that the CMS fits into the real world environment. In addition, it will allow users to test all Sunrise CMS functionalities and confirm that all system components operate together and comply with legal and business requirements”, comments the UPC team.
The UPC team also specifies that:
- The strong authentication is activated in the CMS test environment. Users will need to use this functionality to connect as of 13 February. A user guide will be published on the UPC website describing how to create an account using strong authentication.
- Users will need to create a new user account to test the CMS functionalities as of 13 February.
- Users should not provide real data or real documents when testing CMS functionalities during the second Sunrise Practice Period.
- The CMS test environment has been refreshed, hence all accounts and associated data have been erased from the database.
- The check of documents type uploaded will be activated. Only documents of type PDF/A will be accepted.
- The check of uploaded documents signature will be activated. Only digitally signed documents will be accepted.
To read the official news:
Plasseraud IP experts are available for any questions regarding the options and requirements of Unitary Patents as well as for the opt-out procedure.