
Cyra Nargolwalla comments on the abolition of the “10-day rule” of the EPO
Cyra Nargolwalla, Managing partner at Plasseraud IP, comments on the abolition of the “10-day rule” at the European Patent Office (EPO), in a new article of Managing IP.
“Some attorneys were worried a change would confuse clients. But a lot of clients have no idea the rule exists anyway”, she says. “It’s up to me to handle my client relationships and remind them to respond within the timeframe, whatever it is”.
The Administrative Council of the EPO adopted a series of measures amending several rules of the European Patent Convention Implementing Regulations. One of two packages of amendments is related to the famous “10-day rule” according to which communications issued by the EPO are deemed to have been received only 10 days after the issue date. From November 1, 2023, the communications will be considered as notified on their issue day.
Read the article (for subscribers only): “The abolition of the 10-day rule is sensible, but any further reform should target outdated kinks in the old paper-based system, attorneys say”