
Trademarks & Designs

Plasseraud IP at the SQAP - EUIPO

Events & Conferences

Philippe Picard, French and European Trademark and Design Attorney at Plasseraud IP participates for the first time in the The Stakeholder Quality Assurance Panels project on opposition decisions (SQAP) on June 23, 30 and July 1. 

Launched in the framework of EUIPO's 2020 Strategic Plan, this event brings together a panel representatives of user associations who audit a sample of decisions taken by the Office. 

Philippe Picard will participate as a representative of APRAM - Association of Trade Mark and Design Law Practitioners - and will intervene in the context of audits of opposition decisions.

The SQAP allow users to be involved in the improvement of  the clarity and quality of the decisions issued by EUIPO.

More information about the SQAP

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